
ONLINE WORKSHOP Creating Space for the New Year

ONLINE WORKSHOP Creating Space for the New Year


20. Januar 2024 - 21. Januar 2024    
8:00 - 15:00


Creating Space
for the New Year
Hosted by KONGSI academy

If you clean with love and devotion, you do not only remove dirt, you also create space for something new. Cleaning with gratitude is a wonderful remedy that can heal so much. And when you clean together as a family or community, it strengthens the bond- that is the foundation of our home and our society.
Lunar New Year celebrations will come soon enough, so we can apply all we hear now, then.
In this workshop, we learn to create space for the New Year, for the future.


Early bird (before Dec 31) RM199/USD49
Regular: RM250/USD60


What will you learn from this workshop:

Day 1 (Saturday) Why Cleaning has Meaning
Session 1: Discussion, Q&A
– Observation and self-observation
– The cleaning gesture as an expression of inner attitude
– Cleaning as a family with different generations: The importance of rhythm

Session 2: Practical demonstrations
– What do I clean with? Products and tools
– Methods of cleaning
– How to clean different areas: Bathroom, kitchen, living space

Day 2 (Sunday) Creating and Maintaining Order
Session 3: Discussion, Q&A
– How or where does disorder start?
– Disorder or clutter?
– Why can’t I let go of things?

Session 4: Looking at methods
– Where do I start?
– Which methods are effective when different generations are involved?
– How can I maintain order once I have managed to create it?

January 20 & 21
2024 (Sat & Sun)
Beijing/Malaysia Time 3pm-6pm; 7pm-10pm
CET time 8am-11am; 12pm-3pm

über die Autorin



Putzen als kulturelle Tradition und andere schöne Dinge

Frühling und Großreinemachen! Das gilt nach einem langen, kalten Winter auch für uns selbst. Auf einmal sehen wir alles, was in der dunklen Jahreszeit nicht so sichtbar war: die Staubschichten, die Spinnweben… Die Fenster werden weit geöffnet, Staubwedel und Putzlappen hervorgeholt, Möbel werden weggezogen, Teppiche herausgetragen und geklopft, Bettzeug wird gewaschen, die Matratzen gelüftet.
