Years before I even thought of writing a book, I found this quote on a desk in a house I was cleaning. It moved me because it confirmed so much of what had happened in my life. The very person whose house I was usy cleaning was a woman who has had a profound influence in my life. Because of her, I was offered the
possibility of cleaning the Goetheanum. She was the one who or-
ganised the first interview that was ever published on my work.
Through her, providence has moved many times in my life.
But let me start at the beginning. Why did I start cleaning?
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Years before I even thought of writing a book, I found this quoteon a desk in a house I was cleaning. It moved me because it confirmed so much of what had happened in my life. The very person whose house I was busy cleaning was a woman who has had a profound influence in my life. Because of her, I was offered thepossibility of cleaning the Goetheanum. She was the one who organised the first interview that was ever published on my work. Through her, providence has moved many times in my life.
But let me start at the beginning. Why did I start cleaning?
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