
linda thomas


Pulire!? - Italienisch

Come passare da una gravosa necessità a una dichiarazione d’amore verso il presente

Sono pochi coloro che (ancora) amano pulire. Cosa succede però se si scopre checon qualche piccolo accorgimento e uno sguardo diverso dal consueto punto di vista, questa attività esercita un benefico influsso sulla qualità abitativa, sul come «ci si sente» e quindi sull’autosviluppo di chi abita la casa? Linda Thomas, donna delle pulizie professionista e fondatrice di una delle prime imprese di pulizia ecologica, in decenni di esperienza professionale si è occupata del pulire e dei suoi diversi effetti; quello che ha sperimentato, indica una via che va ben oltre la cura solo esteriore degli spazi.

Copertina flessibile: 330 pagine
Editore: Aedel (1 settembre 2013)
Collana: Pedagogia
Lingua: Italiano
ISBN-10: 8887793425
ISBN-13: 978-8887793420
Peso di spedizione: 458 g
Preis: 21,00 EUR

Putzen Lieben?!

Das Putzen – noch scheint es wenig geliebt! Wird es jedoch in neuer, bewusster Qualität ergriffen, welchen Einfluss nimmt es dann auf die Wohnqualität, die Befindlichkeit des einzelnen Menschen, ja der ganzen Familie oder auch den Arbeitsplatz? Welchen Stellenwert würde es fortan im Leben einnehmen?

Author      :  Linda Thomas
ISBN         :  978-3-7235-1550-1
Pages        :  414
Publisher :   Verlag am Goetheanum
Country    : Switzerland
The publication Year 2015
Preis: 30,00 EUR 35,00 CHF


Putzen als kulturelle Tradition und andere schöne Dinge

Frühling und Großreinemachen! Das gilt nach einem langen, kalten Winter auch für uns selbst. Auf einmal sehen wir alles, was in der dunklen Jahreszeit nicht so sichtbar war: die Staubschichten, die Spinnweben… Die Fenster werden weit geöffnet, Staubwedel und Putzlappen hervorgeholt, Möbel werden weggezogen, Teppiche herausgetragen und geklopft, Bettzeug wird gewaschen, die Matratzen gelüftet.

Author      :  Linda Thomas
ISBN         :  978-3-7235-1520-4
Pages        :  414
Publisher :  Verlag am Goetheanum
Country    : Switzerland
The publication Year 2014
Preis          : 14,00 EUR 19,00 CHF

Why Cleaning Has Meaning - Englisch

Few of us enjoy cleaning―more often than not, it feels like a thankless, repetitive task that we must force ourselves to do.

Linda Thomas is an expert, professional cleaner who operated her own ecological cleaning company for more than twenty years. In this unique book, she explores her passion for cleaning, and argues that cleaning can have a profound effect―not just on the spaces we care for, but also on our own wellbeing and personal development.

Author      :  Linda Thomas
ISBN         :  978-3-7235-1550-1
Pages        :  414
Publisher : Floris Books
Country    : London
The publication Year 2014
Preis: 19,76 EUR

Szeretni a takarítást?! - Ungarisch

Többségünk nem igazán szeret takarítani vagy rendet tenni... De mi lenne, ha ezek a szükségszerű tevékenységeink új minőséget kapnának, ami aztán áldásos hatással lenne ránk, a családunkra, az otthonunkra, sőt akár még a munkahelyi környezetünkre is? Hogyan lehet szellemiséggel és szeretettel áthatni a leghétköznapibb tevékenységeinket?

Linda Thomas takarítási szakember, egy ökológiai takarítócég alapítója, sokrétű, több évtizedes tapasztalatait és egyszerűen követhető tanácsait osztja meg velünk e könyvben. Olvasása során szinte észrevétlenül tanuljuk meg, hogyan forduljunk érdeklődéssel és szeretettel a közvetlen környezetünkhöz és a helyekhez, amelyekkel kapcsolatba kerülünk, hogyan teremtsünk otthont egy házból vagy lakásból, és hogyan végezzük szeretettel a feladatainkat. A gyakorlati bölcsesség igazi tárháza ez a könyv, amely leginkább az írónő személyes élményein keresztül érkezik hozzánk. Nem száraz metódust ad át tehát, hanem valódi, élő tudást, ami mindenki számára segít hatékonyabbá, rendszeretőbbé, tetterősebbé és - nem utolsósorban - lelkesebbé és örömtelibbé válni. 

Kiadó               : CASPARUS KIADÓ KFT.
Oldalak száma : 461
Borító               : FÜLES, KARTONÁLT
Súly                  : 392 gr
ISBN                : 9786155835056
Nyelv                : MAGYAR
Kiadás éve        : 2021
Árukód             : 2755679 / 1205420
Fordító             : Homonyik Marcell

Why Cleaning Has Meaning - Modern Chinese

Few of us enjoy cleaning―more often than not, it feels like a thankless, repetitive task that we must force ourselves to do.

Linda Thomas is an expert, professional cleaner who operated her own ecological cleaning company for more than twenty years. In this unique book, she explores her passion for cleaning, and argues that cleaning can have a profound effect―not just on the spaces we care for, but also on our own wellbeing and personal development.

Why Cleaning Has Meaning -


Few of us enjoy cleaning―more often than not, it feels like a thankless, repetitive task that we must force ourselves to do.

Linda Thomas is an expert, professional cleaner who operated her own ecological cleaning company for more than twenty years. In this unique book, she explores her passion for cleaning, and argues that cleaning can have a profound effect―not just on the spaces we care for, but also on our own wellbeing and personal development.

con Linda Thomas

The Latest Podcast Episode - Linda Thomas ON: Why Cleaning has Meaning & How Caring For Spaces Benefits Our Personal Development 

03.03.2022 / 34:30 min

Kongsi Academy 生命教育 - Why Cleaning Has Meaning by Linda Thomas July 27, 2023 

27.07.2023 / 01:48h

WDR Radiointerview: Putzen lieben lernen – Linda Thomas
WDR 5 Neugier genügt - Redezeit.

27.06.2023 / 21:50 MIN

1. How I Came into Cleaning and Caring

Years before I even thought of  writing a book, I found this quote on a desk in a house I was cleaning. It moved me because it confirmed so much of what had happened in my life. The very person whose house I was usy cleaning was a woman who has had a profound influence in my life. Because of her, I was offered the
possibility of cleaning the Goetheanum. She was the one who or-
ganised the first interview that was ever published on my work.
Through her, providence has moved many times in my life.
But let me start at the beginning. Why did I start cleaning?

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1. How I Came into Cleaning and Caring

Years before I even thought of  writing a book, I found this quoteon a desk in a house I was cleaning. It moved me because it confirmed so much of what had happened in my life. The very person whose house I was busy cleaning was a woman who has had a profound influence in my life. Because of her, I was offered thepossibility of cleaning the Goetheanum. She was the one who organised the first interview that was ever published on my work. Through her, providence has moved many times in my life.
But let me start at the beginning. Why did I start cleaning?


Why Cleaning Has Meaning

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